I wanted to give a big shout out to all my fans around the globe. Of course, I am going easy on Ernie and it’s obvious to everyone what’s going on in the videos. Ernie is quick but I am faster and much stronger. I am also much better looking! He’s got a couple of interesting moves but I have a lot more waiting in the wings for him. I suspect that this will come as a shock to all of the followers of Ernie but sometimes the truth hurts, and please no angry emails. I am taking the kid under my wing and plan to teach him all my tricks of the trade but everything takes time. Please be patient.
What’s Your Tale?
It goes without saying that we're pretty impressed with ourselves. That confidence makes us totally comfortable putting your exploits right up here with our own.
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About Otto
The toughness, smarts, and looks to be the lead dog, but job was already filled when I got here. Maybe one day I'll get promoted. In the meantime, biscuits.
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