It was very cold, but Hank had his mind set on hiking to a very secluded area along the Potomac River. We cautiously followed him into what seemed to be an empty, ice-covered world. We walked for hours but could not find any signs of life. I created a few videos, and Otto made a few sketches to document our adventure. Hank did nothing, but he’s the lead dog so that’s no big surprise. When it started getting late, we started heading back to the safety and warmth of our car.
We didn’t see anyone the entire time but started to have the strange feeling that we were being watched. On our way back, just off the river’s edge, we made contact with a snow creature. We approached the snow creature with extreme caution, being very careful not to get too close. It was a big creature, but its lack of movement suggested it was pretty slow and didn’t have our Norfolk Terrier quickness. I went into full attack mode and barked extra hard to warn this creature to stay away. After all, there were 3 of us, so if it turned into a fight it would not have been pretty for the creature. We made it back to the car unharmed and headed home without any further problems.
Before going to bed, I sat down and reviewed the videos of our trip. I was surprised to see a big smile on the snow creature. That did not seem very aggressive to me. I wondered if I had misjudged the snow creature because it didn’t attack or do anything aggressive. I got in my comfy bed and started thinking about the snow creature spending the night all alone in that frigid world.
I plan on going back and saying “hi.” Maybe we can be Facebook friends. That fits better with our friendly personalities.
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