After taking a break to discuss our strategy, we are back at this job trying to destroy the purple snake. We probably would have made better progress if we worked on different ends or developed a plan before actually doing any of the work. A lot of time was lost trying to chew on the same spot or getting caught up sorting out who is in control. I often found myself just lying on my back doing nothing but watch Otto work. These mistakes could have been avoided with good leadership.
Since Hank is the lead dog we count on him to provide this leadership. I am not trying to be an Omarosa and toss Hank under the bus to save my skin but he was not a great project manager for this task. If we were on the Apprentice reality show, I suspect our slow progress would guarantee us a trip to the Board room to face Mr. Trump. Otto came up with the idea and Hank is the lead dog, I am getting nervous that I might be the scape goat in this one. I’m toast!
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