Last Friday, the temperatures hit the 80’s. A little hot weather wasn’t going to stop us from venturing out to go for a walk with our friend Nick, the West Highland White Terrier. We jumped in the car and raced over to a nearby park. We found Nick immediately.
But once we left the cool air of the car’s air conditioning, we hit a brick wall. We got about 30 feet and ran out of gas. Fortunately no one noticed. We saw a few fellow athletes, and we encouraged them with “great run” and “give it your all like we did”.
Nick was prepared to keep going, but we pushed him to find an activity with more shade. Jaxon suggested we try skateboarding, but he couldn’t convince a child to let him borrow his skateboard for us to get in any serious practice. It seemed like we reached a dead end.
We’ve been hearing a lot about social distancing. We figured this was a great time to practice it with Nick. It seemed like a good activity for the shade.
As you see in our pics, it only took the 3 of us a few tries to nail this social distancing. Nick was a natural in front of the camera.
Hopefully we came off as poised and calm too. We were moving along pretty quickly because we heard stories about a robo dog that teaches social distancing.
None of us was in any mood to take orders from another dog.
We don’t want to let our social distancing get rusty, so we’ll be back on the trails soon.
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