Both Jaxon and I jump out of bed every morning, throwing caution to the wind and charging outdoors. We’re ready to tackle whatever comes our way. But this day was going to be just a little different.
Just as we’re heading outdoors, Jaxon revealed that he picked up a strange scent overnight. He took it as an early sign of trouble, and trouble is one of those things that requires our Norfolk Terrier toughness. Fortunately, our thorough check confirmed nothing was out of place in the grass or bushes, so we went inside to grab a biscuit and figure out our next move.
By lunchtime, we were fully satisfied the house was safe. We had to widen our search circle. If trouble was dogging us, maybe we’d bump into it at one of our favorite haunts, Blue Jay Point County Park. Out the door we went.
Once at the park, there were a handful of people focused on their routines. We don’t give up easily. We pressed on. And that’s when it hit us. A small army of police were everywhere. I guess this is what the media calls “a strong police presence.”
They had fast 4 wheel all terrain vehicles and sped by us, completely ignoring our barks. That was a pretty good clue that something big was playing out. Reluctantly, I gave little Jaxon a pat on the back for catching the scent of this trouble miles away and hours ago.
The police were going in every direction at the same time. We picked a group to follow and stayed close enough to make sure they were going in the right direction but far enough away to avoid getting run over by a four wheeler. Safety first, after all. If you watch even a couple of police shows on TV, this is one of the things you learn quickly.
And then smack! This sign hastily clamped to a pole. The urgency of this situation was so severe, they were forced to use paper signs and clamps.
Our Norfolk Terrier wits led us into a real, live Police Scenario! The police car on the sign doesn’t look anything like the four wheeler we saw, but they were probably in a hurry when the drew the picture and didn’t focus on the details. The sign also showed what appears to be a video camera. We make videos ourselves so we’ve familiar with this sort of stuff. It gave us a boost to see that our video equipment is better than what the police use.
The police were spending a lot of time in an area around a building that’s known as the Lodge. We figured we’d focus our attention there and see if we could find this Lost Person.
We searched and searched but found nothing but woods and pine straw. Maybe this person wasn’t lost after all. When the police finally left the area, the road was empty and quiet. We snapped the pic below in case we had to prove to anyone that we only left after everything was safe. That another thing you learn from those police shows: document everything.
We could return home, happy that we had done all we could to confirm no one was lost.
At least not in this scenario.
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