Earlier this month, I told you all about my trip to our attic, desperate for ideas on how to write a good pandemic post. Thankfully, I got the inspiration needed to complete the post, and the rest is history. I actually think it helped a lot, because everything seems a lot brighter here. Jaxon says it’s really just the spring sun. He hates to give me credit.
Anyway, while looking around the attic, I also came across a moment of my past that was sitting in the “to be worked on” box. I can’t believe some of our adventures that haven’t made their way to this site. I know making videos and keeping up with a blog is a lot for a couple of dogs with all that we have going on, but I think if Jaxon works on his computer skills and I focus less on digging holes, we can accomplish great things.
As a puppy, I ventured out alone for a stroll around Reston’s Newport Lake and bumped into a big personality in the form of a Wheaten Terrier named Philamond. Looking back, those days seem so friendly, so different, without a concern about social distancing or catching a deadly virus.
Philamond joined me on a walk through the snow, and we became instant friends. But don’t take my word for it. Watch the video and decide for yourself. Just before the 1 minute mark, Philamond tries to put a move on me, but I matched him every step of the way. And I did it all without flinching.
I’m trying to teach Jaxon that this is critical when playing with bigger dogs.
Never flinch. Never
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