I have hemangiosarcoma. I have been on chemotherapy since the end of December, which has been no walk in the park. Now I’m losing my hair. I’ve even seen some patches of gray. I thought dogs taking chemotherapy didn’t experience any hair loss, but now I am surprised to learn that some breeds do. My online research uncovered that poodles, English Sheepdogs, and terriers suffer hair loss. As a Norfolk Terrier, I am included in that group!
Even worse, the fur that was shaved off for any procedures takes a long time to come back and sometimes grows back a different color. I’ve been wearing Hank’s ThunderShirt when I go out, telling everyone it keeps me warm in the cold weather. It’s like a doggie hair piece. I am not sure what I am going to do once the warmer weather arrives.
Maybe on those scorching days of summer, I’ll appreciate having less hair.
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